T. Price-Broncucia, A. Baker, D. Hammerling, M. Duda. The Fused Multiply-Add and Global Atmospheric Models: A Distributional Investigation into a Surprising Correctness Scenario. Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Held in conjunction with Supercomputing ‘24). 2024.
T. Price-Broncucia, S. Amorese, R. Baptista, R. Morrison. A Probabilistic Graphical Model Approach to Interpret, Verify, and Decouple Multi-Physics Systems. Proceedings of 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM). 2024.
T. Price-Broncucia, A. Baker, D. Hammerling, M. Duda, R. Morrison. The Ensemble Consistency Test: From CESM to MPAS and Beyond. Geoscientific Model Development (GMD). 2024 (Accepted).
T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Ultra-Short-Time Batching and Unscented Kalman Inversion for Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - 17th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Albuquerque, NM. 2023. UQ Student Paper Competition Semi-Finalist.
T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Multi-Time Unscented Kalman Inversion for Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics & Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. 2023. CERRA Student Recognition Award Recipient.
VM. Scholl, J. McGlinchy, T. Price-Broncucia, JK. Balch, MB. Joseph. Fusion neural networks for plant classification: learning to combine RGB, hyperspectral, and lidar data. PeerJ 9:e11790. 2021.
Conference Presentation: The Fused Multiply-Add and Global Atmospheric Models: A Distributional Investigation into a Surprising Correctness Scenario. 8th International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Held in conjunction with Supercomputing ‘24). Atlanta, GA. 2024.
Conference Presentation: A Probabilistic Graphical Model Approach To Interpret, Verify, And Decouple Multi-Physics Systems. 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics. Vancouver, Canada. 2024.
Conference Presentation: Multi-Time Kalman Inversion for the Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification. Trieste, Italy. 2024.
Workshop Presentation: Methods and Tools for the Application of UF-ECT to New Climate Models - Workshop on Correctness and Reproducibility for Climate and Weather Software. Boulder, CO. 2023
Conference Presentation: Ultra-Short-Time Batching and Unscented Kalman Inversion for Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - 17th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Albuquerque, NM. 2023.
Conference Presentation: Multi-Time Unscented Kalman Inversion for Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics & Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. 2023. CERRA Student Recognition Award Recipient.
Poster Presentation: Price-Broncucia T. Multi-Time Unscented Kalman Inversion for Calibration of Expensive Chaotic Models - U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification for Machine Learning Integrated Physics Modeling, Washington D.C.. 2022.